Saturday, December 01, 2007

Winner in a Pie Contest

Not me. My DD won a $30 first prize for the best pie in a pie contest for her youth group at church. She looked the recipe up online. It was a peanut butter silk pie with a layer of fudge on the bottom. I gave her my easy fudge recipe so she would not have to cook the fudge.

We did work on it most of the day - shopping for the ingredients, putting them together (just her, parents were not to help as part of the rules), adding the shaved chocolate, chilling the pie, and then taking it to the activity. I think it must have been hard for the judges to just choose one pie, but they must have like chocolate and peanut butter. There were about 10 other pies such as lemon meringue, cherry, pecan, snickers, chocolate mint, and more. I think it did help her self esteem to win the first prize. Everyone else got sour gum balls as a second prize.

DH surprised me when he came home early today. His work asked him to make a delivery here in Frederick, which is something he has never done before. I was getting ready to go out shopping when he arrived home. I was surprised.

He got me back online to buy the deal of the day on They were selling a Panasonic DVD recorder with a 160 GB hard drive for 99.99. It includes a HDTV tuner, so we think it's worth the money. I will take back the one that we ordered from Walmart - the order was shipped to store, and I haven't picked it up yet.

I'm still short one gift for DD - the Nintendo DS. I told her I would not spend any more time on Ebay looking for and bidding on it. I've already been outbid 2 times, and they aren't selling them on Ebay express. I might visit Game Crazy or Game Stop here in town to see if they have any used systems. She doesn't want the DS Lite, just the regular DS.

I still have to send out the Christmas cards, and MIL's gift. I am still not wearing that mask every night, and I did get a new one last week. It's just a little easier in some ways, but I still wake up when I turn over and the mask gets a little loose on my darn nose. I am feeling and looking better, though.

I also wonder if the diagnosis of severe sleep apnea is "severe" because it's hard to sleep in a strange place like the hospital, although I have been tired for a very loooong time now. Some days are still better than others.