Today is our cat's birthday, or I should say, his approximate birthday. He is 3 years old.
He came into our lives in late September 2004, when he hitched a ride underneath our 1995 Plymouth Voyager. Fortunately, he came out of it unscathed. We decided he needed to stay in the garage until we could take him to the vets to see if he had fleas. Well, he did, and ear mites, and worms. Not unusual for a stray. I was happy he did not test positive for FIV or Leukemia. Our dear departed Sabrina died from Aids back in 2001. She was a real sweetheart, and she only lived 5 years. We buried her in WV on the lot we were going to build our new house on.
Anyway, he's been a good boy, though he is very different from Sabrina. He is very attached to DD, so I guess if she moves out of the house in the future, she will take him with her. I don't know what will happen if she goes on a mission. No pets allowed, so I guess he will just have to get his love and care from us, and learn to like it. He occasionally cuddles next to me, but it is pretty rare. He's just not a lovey dovey as Sabrina was, and she was definitely my cat.
On another note, my FIL died 8 years ago on this day. The reported death date, though, is tomorrow, 8/9, because he died at 11:45PM, and the people who declared him dead came after 12 midnight. His official death date is 8/9/99. RIP, Ray.