Waiting for some books from Amazon to arrive. Yesterday was President's day, and there was no mail, but I did receive a package from The Woman Within.
I had ordered 3 tops and 4 dresses. DH was home, and I gave him a little fashion show. Two of the dresses are really nice enough to wear to church. The other 2 are more like house dresses - or ones that I would wear because they are comfortable.
All of the clothing is knit, and I like that material. The picture of the purple dress is one of the nicer dresses, though it is in a beautiful blue green color. I like it very much, and I've ordered a lacy crocheted sweater that will look good over it.
We used a Restaurant.com certificate yesterday to go to the Bombay Grill on Market St. in Frederick. We took DD along, and we all enjoyed the lunch buffet. It was great, and the little walk down Market St was enjoyable, too. The parking at the meters is free on Federal Holidays.
We went past a couple of restaurants that have piqued my interest. One is a vegetarian restaurant, but it has other foods as well. It's called the Orchard. The other is across the street from The Orchard, and it's called the Tasting Room. Both have menus posted outside, so it gave DH a chance to see what they offer.