Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Sleep Apnea

So, I've found out today I have severe sleep apnea. I think I have had it for years now, but I didn't know what to do about it until recently.

The sleep specialists doctors are so busy I was lucky to get an appointment for next Tuesday to be seen by someone who can find the right sleep apparatus for me to use at night. They have all different kinds of masks. I then get to see someone in that same office to get my new equipment, so I can actually have a real life. I have my fingers crossed.

I can't believe my last entry was so long ago. I guess I've been busy with all the visits to sleep clinics and the doctors. I've seen the eye doctor and my cardiologist. I still have to get my new glasses prescription filled, but it's not that different from my old one, so I'm not too worried. I also have an appointment to see that eye doctor again, because the pressure in my right eye is borderline.


Paul said...

I was starting to get worried about you, hon! #hug# Good to hear from you again.

My sleep problems have become a bit more complicated here of late, but I believe dealing with the sleep apnea will help you a lot. Let us know how it goes.

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Glad to hear you are getting treatment for the sleep apnea. I sleep next to a hissing CPAP machine every night now (dh's!) - it is nice to know he's actually breathing. THere were times when I'd have to nudge him in the middle of the night to take a breath.

And "I" missed you too! Hugs!

(need to update my blog too!)

Puffy said...

Wow! I'm glad you got an appointment and found out what the problem was. I hope the mask won't prevent you from sleeping!