I'm taking Metformin, Glucotrol, Synthroid, Licinopril, and Lipitor. It's a drag because I haven't been feeling well, and don't know if the Metformin is causing my ill feelings. I've been sick with the flu, and from what I understand, the flu going around stays with you a while. I'm ready to feel better. My sinus stuffiness is abating a little bit.
I had my hair "frosted" the Saturday after Valentine's Day, and it looks good. I was a little taken aback when I first saw it, though. It's really blonde in the front, and I've always been a brunette. I don't know how I will maintain it - I guess the beauty shop will help with that one. I went to the local Beauty School, and they did a nice job. I might go there this week to have a manicure done. I deserve it. What OPI color should I choose? Hmmm.
The picture? Is just a random picture taken by DD. It's her friend Liz with her Seminary teacher, Nora.
Um, no fair! We need to see pictures of the new hair!
I loved seminary! I went early morning for awhile, but we also could go during our lunch hour as well!
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