Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sharitaki noodles

I don't like them. They are featured in a woman's magazine this month as a way of losing weight. They look and feel like rubber worms, and I don't relish eating them. I don't care if something is supposed to help me lose weight - it better taste okay. I'll stick with fruits and veggies, lean means, whole grains, and water before I use these to lose weight.

I'm only out $2.79 for this big package of wet noodles. They smell a little funky too. It's a fishy smell, and I don't like fishy. Oh, well, I'll just have to stick to a good diet to lose this weight and start walking regularly. There is no other way to go about it.

I applied for a part time job Monday. It's working with pre-K kids in the am, 3.5 hours per school day. I am anxious to start working again, but a little scared of the interview process. Hopefully, they will call me soon.


yvonne said...

They sound horrid, Silvergirl. Rubber fishy worm noodles. ICK!

Good luck on losing weight. *hugs*

Puffy said...

Stick with foods you know. The job sounds great. You'll probably get some good exercise running after those little kids, too. Good luck!