Monday, January 12, 2009

So I am ready to do a little experiment

I'm setting up a hydroponic system in my kitchen. I have a sunny windowsill, so I thought it would be a good idea, instead of buying an expensive aerogarden (which I think are really cool looking, though), I have devised a plan to build my own.

I am planning on using a baby wipe container, which doesn't hold much, and a couple of 2 inch net pots, with pieces of rockwool to start the seeds. I have a very small aquarium pump, with a small bubbler to start off with. It came with a one gallon aquarium that I am not using right now.

Now all I need to do is cut out holes in the container and figure out what kind of nutrient to use. I was thinking of using Miracle Grow, but I still need a definitive recipe. I feel like this is just a little experiment, and if I fail, I will at least learn something from it.

I also planted wheatgrass in a windowbox inside my kitchen window. It grew! I am so excited. I soaked some wheat kernels from my food storage wheat, and planted them in some dirt. They have grown about 3 inches and are looking fine.

I ordered a wheat grass juicer and a yogurt maker. I plan on saving some money making my own yogurt, because I buy the plain kind anyway, and I add my own fruit.

I'll have to report back and take pictures of my results.


Debcapsfan said...

Wow, I'm impressed. Let me know how it goes.

Tummy said...

Well look at you, being all adventurous and stuff :) Good luck!

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

I have a hydroponic "vase" of tulips that I bought at Costco the other week.. they are almost getting big enough to bloom!