Friday, June 27, 2008

Feeling better

Getting better sleep and my blood sugar is under control. I feel better than I've felt for a long time.

I'm eating Just Corn mixed with some Just Peas, and some pumpkin seeds. It's kind of like my own little self designed trail mix.

I must work on my bras today. I am checking them for fit, and making modifications. I'm also about to rework a bathing suit top pattern to make my own bras. I'll report back when I get one made.

I went to a baby shower last night. I won some candy by being the first to answer the clues. First one: Hospital Bill, answer: 100 Grand (I got a pack of 8 small 100 grand candy bars), second clue: Hospital Accountants, answer: Nerds. I now had 2 candies, and was the envy of everyone in the room. I laid back a bit, then came up with the Snickers answer for the clue : baby giggles.

This was a double diaper shower. Both women are having girls, so being the girly shopper I am I bought them each two cute onesies. One said "I was born to be adored", and the other said "When God Made Me, He was just showing off".

Both moms have other daughters. One has a six year old who is so happy that she will have a baby sister. The other has 4 year old twins, plus a 2 year old, all girls.

The shower food was terrific, and I tried to avoid the sweets, but gave in at the last minute. Oh, well. I could have done worse.


Paul said...

Glad one of us is feeling better.

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Way to go winning the prizes! I, on the other hand, do not like playing shower games, especially writing best advice to brides! I do not consider myself wise, by no means!

Tummy said...

I love games and am way to competitive even when I don't care about the prizes! I'm not a good party-goer am I?

I feel for the one that has the 3 kids 4 and under. Bless that woman!

Buggy said...

Yay for feeling better! I hope the insulin is making it easier to manage your sugar.
Oh Sleep! Isn't sleeping better a huge thing in how you feel!