Monday, January 31, 2005

My Old BF is such a DAW

I googled his name and he is on so many websites because he is a world class pianist. I guess you could say we were BF/GF, because that is the way he described us when telling a story about us. Like the time I came over to dinner and he put toilet paper on the table instead of a napkin. That year one of his married friends gave him a huge package of napkins because he told her that story. In it, I was the GF, even though he and I never kissed or even held hands. We spent about 5 years just seeing each other at church and spending some time together at each other's apartments.

There was also a time in 1984 when I was house sitting for some friends of his. They were an older couple who took Neil under their wing, like an adopted son. They were so proud of him and his career. The wife had cancer and died in November of that year. It was sad, because her husband had retired and they were going to travel around a lot, but she was diagnosed with breast cancer soon after his retirement.

Anyway, Neil would come over to do his laundry. Normally, he would be the one to house sit for them, but he had some out of state concerts to perform, so he could not do it. He used up my detergent, and when I told him it was my detergent he had used, he brought over these mushrooms. I don't know why mushrooms, but that is what he did to repay me.

At that time, I had a room mate who was a PHD in Psychology. She was attractive and desparately looking for a husband. She was there one night at Neil's friend's house before I came home from work. I was hoping to have the house to myself, but she liked that location because it was closer to work for her. I wish she had stayed at my apartment, but then again, she was a real dizzy kind of woman, without common sense. Anyway, I showed her his picture and she smiled as though she liked what she saw. At the time, I thought, well, maybe these two would hit it off.

That night that Neil dropped by before I got home, she and he had a very interesting conversation which culminated with her asking him something very personal, especially for a first meeting. He was stunned and when I came he, he said "She's WEIRD!" under his breath. I was surprised when I found out later what she had said to him. She essentially asked him if he made himself happy, sexually speaking. Way to make an impression!

Other times, Neil would call me up to tell me funny stories. There was another roommate of mine who had a terrific crush on Neil. She would call him up, pretending to have called the wrong number, and then try to have a long conversation with him. One time, she was working down at the DC Temple, and the temple workers conspired to get her together with Neil during one of the ordinances where couples have to hold hands. She was saying, "This is like a dream come true!" But it was a nightmare for poor Neil. He really made me laugh when he told me that one.

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