Saturday, December 01, 2007
Winner in a Pie Contest
Not me. My DD won a $30 first prize for the best pie in a pie contest for her youth group at church. She looked the recipe up online. It was a peanut butter silk pie with a layer of fudge on the bottom. I gave her my easy fudge recipe so she would not have to cook the fudge.
We did work on it most of the day - shopping for the ingredients, putting them together (just her, parents were not to help as part of the rules), adding the shaved chocolate, chilling the pie, and then taking it to the activity. I think it must have been hard for the judges to just choose one pie, but they must have like chocolate and peanut butter. There were about 10 other pies such as lemon meringue, cherry, pecan, snickers, chocolate mint, and more. I think it did help her self esteem to win the first prize. Everyone else got sour gum balls as a second prize.
DH surprised me when he came home early today. His work asked him to make a delivery here in Frederick, which is something he has never done before. I was getting ready to go out shopping when he arrived home. I was surprised.
He got me back online to buy the deal of the day on They were selling a Panasonic DVD recorder with a 160 GB hard drive for 99.99. It includes a HDTV tuner, so we think it's worth the money. I will take back the one that we ordered from Walmart - the order was shipped to store, and I haven't picked it up yet.
I'm still short one gift for DD - the Nintendo DS. I told her I would not spend any more time on Ebay looking for and bidding on it. I've already been outbid 2 times, and they aren't selling them on Ebay express. I might visit Game Crazy or Game Stop here in town to see if they have any used systems. She doesn't want the DS Lite, just the regular DS.
I still have to send out the Christmas cards, and MIL's gift. I am still not wearing that mask every night, and I did get a new one last week. It's just a little easier in some ways, but I still wake up when I turn over and the mask gets a little loose on my darn nose. I am feeling and looking better, though.
I also wonder if the diagnosis of severe sleep apnea is "severe" because it's hard to sleep in a strange place like the hospital, although I have been tired for a very loooong time now. Some days are still better than others.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I am still trying to get used to the new sleep apnea machine, and it hasn't been easy. I'll give it another try tonight, though I should be in bed right now.
I'd rather shop on the net, though. I'm finishing up an order for some new duds for DD and me. She is getting 2 new skirts, 2 jackets, and 3 pairs of pants. I ordered a dress, 2 jackets, one pair of pants, and 3 shirts. I also ordered some other things last night from the same place. I getting to be a real clothes hoarder. I really need to get rid of stuff in my closet that I never wear, then I can justify the new clothes.
On the diet front, I've gone back to my old bad habits, so it's back to WW tomorrow. I need to eat more fruits and veggies.
I'd rather shop on the net, though. I'm finishing up an order for some new duds for DD and me. She is getting 2 new skirts, 2 jackets, and 3 pairs of pants. I ordered a dress, 2 jackets, one pair of pants, and 3 shirts. I also ordered some other things last night from the same place. I getting to be a real clothes hoarder. I really need to get rid of stuff in my closet that I never wear, then I can justify the new clothes.
On the diet front, I've gone back to my old bad habits, so it's back to WW tomorrow. I need to eat more fruits and veggies.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Sleep Apnea
So, I've found out today I have severe sleep apnea. I think I have had it for years now, but I didn't know what to do about it until recently.
The sleep specialists doctors are so busy I was lucky to get an appointment for next Tuesday to be seen by someone who can find the right sleep apparatus for me to use at night. They have all different kinds of masks. I then get to see someone in that same office to get my new equipment, so I can actually have a real life. I have my fingers crossed.
I can't believe my last entry was so long ago. I guess I've been busy with all the visits to sleep clinics and the doctors. I've seen the eye doctor and my cardiologist. I still have to get my new glasses prescription filled, but it's not that different from my old one, so I'm not too worried. I also have an appointment to see that eye doctor again, because the pressure in my right eye is borderline.
The sleep specialists doctors are so busy I was lucky to get an appointment for next Tuesday to be seen by someone who can find the right sleep apparatus for me to use at night. They have all different kinds of masks. I then get to see someone in that same office to get my new equipment, so I can actually have a real life. I have my fingers crossed.
I can't believe my last entry was so long ago. I guess I've been busy with all the visits to sleep clinics and the doctors. I've seen the eye doctor and my cardiologist. I still have to get my new glasses prescription filled, but it's not that different from my old one, so I'm not too worried. I also have an appointment to see that eye doctor again, because the pressure in my right eye is borderline.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Happy Birthday< Dusty Sneakers!
Today is our cat's birthday, or I should say, his approximate birthday. He is 3 years old.
He came into our lives in late September 2004, when he hitched a ride underneath our 1995 Plymouth Voyager. Fortunately, he came out of it unscathed. We decided he needed to stay in the garage until we could take him to the vets to see if he had fleas. Well, he did, and ear mites, and worms. Not unusual for a stray. I was happy he did not test positive for FIV or Leukemia. Our dear departed Sabrina died from Aids back in 2001. She was a real sweetheart, and she only lived 5 years. We buried her in WV on the lot we were going to build our new house on.
Anyway, he's been a good boy, though he is very different from Sabrina. He is very attached to DD, so I guess if she moves out of the house in the future, she will take him with her. I don't know what will happen if she goes on a mission. No pets allowed, so I guess he will just have to get his love and care from us, and learn to like it. He occasionally cuddles next to me, but it is pretty rare. He's just not a lovey dovey as Sabrina was, and she was definitely my cat.
On another note, my FIL died 8 years ago on this day. The reported death date, though, is tomorrow, 8/9, because he died at 11:45PM, and the people who declared him dead came after 12 midnight. His official death date is 8/9/99. RIP, Ray.
Stinky ice cubes
Had a fight with DH Monday night about stinky ice cubes. He was relentless, not agreeing with me and telling me I was ignoring the problem. I blew up big time. I do have a temper, even though it takes a whole lot of pushing to get me that mad. We didn't speak for the rest of the night, and didn't kiss each other goodnight for the first time I can remember. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree, and I won't be taking him so seriously in the future. He still doesn't get it.
I have thought about getting a job, because the extra money would really help, but I'm not ready yet, so I think I will re-examine my options in a few months. I wouldn't mind a temp job, but then I might find myself working on Sunday, nights, and weekends for a Christmas job. I don't want to be away from my family during those hours. I would rather have a day job. There is the Crabapples Deli downtown that is advertising for help. They don't have nights or weekends. Hmmm.
Another issue is my health. I have good days and bad days, and try to get housework, shopping for food, cooking, cleaning up, driving DD to her youth group meetings and to early morning Seminary. It all takes time and energy. I'm hoping to lose weight throught the Weight Watchers plan, and then I can start to feel better physically.
I have heard so many good things about WW from friends, both on the net, and IRL, that I decided to give it a try. I love the garden vegetable soup, and there are no points. I did bake some bread pudding, though. It's good, but I will try to not overeat.
I think I like the plan because I do enjoy crunching the numbers and working the foods I want to eat into the plan, while still keeping it healthy. It's like a whole new way of looking at eating. I just joined Saturday, so I will be including my results on this blog every week, even if I have a bad week and don't lose. So far, so good, though.
I have thought about getting a job, because the extra money would really help, but I'm not ready yet, so I think I will re-examine my options in a few months. I wouldn't mind a temp job, but then I might find myself working on Sunday, nights, and weekends for a Christmas job. I don't want to be away from my family during those hours. I would rather have a day job. There is the Crabapples Deli downtown that is advertising for help. They don't have nights or weekends. Hmmm.
Another issue is my health. I have good days and bad days, and try to get housework, shopping for food, cooking, cleaning up, driving DD to her youth group meetings and to early morning Seminary. It all takes time and energy. I'm hoping to lose weight throught the Weight Watchers plan, and then I can start to feel better physically.
I have heard so many good things about WW from friends, both on the net, and IRL, that I decided to give it a try. I love the garden vegetable soup, and there are no points. I did bake some bread pudding, though. It's good, but I will try to not overeat.
I think I like the plan because I do enjoy crunching the numbers and working the foods I want to eat into the plan, while still keeping it healthy. It's like a whole new way of looking at eating. I just joined Saturday, so I will be including my results on this blog every week, even if I have a bad week and don't lose. So far, so good, though.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Deleting the Old Blog Post
I'm going to copy the post from February with the one comment, so I can delete that old blog.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
New Blog
I can't seem to link to the old blogger account, no matter what I try, so I'm starting this new one.
It would be a shame to quit blogging.
Well, we've all had colds AGAIN. This makes the 2nd round this year. I felt so lousy Friday I told peeps at church I would not be there. I have to teach a class of 4 year olds, and I was supposed to do a sharing time for about 12 or so kids from ages 3 to 6 in Junior Primary. I was going to do a lesson about Joseph Smith's family and their farm in NY. I was thinking of giving each kid their own packet of seeds to plant in a garden. I know where I can buy some for 10 cents a package. I will probably still do that, because my sharing time has been delayed until a later time when I am feeling better.
Well, I am feeling better than Friday, but still coughing, sneezing, and congested a bit. I plan on sleeping in on Sunday. If it is icy out, they will cancel Church anyway.
I am doing okay on the diet, but not great. I have maintained the weight loss, but I've been craving sugar and potatoes. We had roast chicken, baked potatoes with butter, and asparagus for dinner. I bought a boatload of frozen vegetables, some organic tangerines, and organic red delicious apples at the Giant Eagle.
I ran into Cygnus and Lady Cub on the Giant Eagle parking lot. It was fun to talk to friends, even if we were blocking traffic, hee!
Mom2BJM said...
Woo Hoo! I'm the first commenter on your new blog! Sorry that you had to lose your old one!
TOnight I'm going to take my sewing machine to help the YM sew kapotes.. Not sure how that is spelled, but it's some sort of warm coat made out of a blanket, for them to go to some camp. Yeah.. fun tonight. I'd almost forgotten until DH reminded me at 4 pm!
February 28, 2007 3:18 PM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
New Blog
I can't seem to link to the old blogger account, no matter what I try, so I'm starting this new one.
It would be a shame to quit blogging.
Well, we've all had colds AGAIN. This makes the 2nd round this year. I felt so lousy Friday I told peeps at church I would not be there. I have to teach a class of 4 year olds, and I was supposed to do a sharing time for about 12 or so kids from ages 3 to 6 in Junior Primary. I was going to do a lesson about Joseph Smith's family and their farm in NY. I was thinking of giving each kid their own packet of seeds to plant in a garden. I know where I can buy some for 10 cents a package. I will probably still do that, because my sharing time has been delayed until a later time when I am feeling better.
Well, I am feeling better than Friday, but still coughing, sneezing, and congested a bit. I plan on sleeping in on Sunday. If it is icy out, they will cancel Church anyway.
I am doing okay on the diet, but not great. I have maintained the weight loss, but I've been craving sugar and potatoes. We had roast chicken, baked potatoes with butter, and asparagus for dinner. I bought a boatload of frozen vegetables, some organic tangerines, and organic red delicious apples at the Giant Eagle.
I ran into Cygnus and Lady Cub on the Giant Eagle parking lot. It was fun to talk to friends, even if we were blocking traffic, hee!
Mom2BJM said...
Woo Hoo! I'm the first commenter on your new blog! Sorry that you had to lose your old one!
TOnight I'm going to take my sewing machine to help the YM sew kapotes.. Not sure how that is spelled, but it's some sort of warm coat made out of a blanket, for them to go to some camp. Yeah.. fun tonight. I'd almost forgotten until DH reminded me at 4 pm!
February 28, 2007 3:18 PM
Beautiful Day here
DH is home working on the driveway, and DD should be home this afternoon from camp. I need to get out there and do some shopping. I also need a haircut and a pedicure. I hope you're having a nice day where ever you are. The outside temp is 77 degrees Fahrenheit right now.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
What is the world coming to?
It seems so many bad things are happening in the country, with the missing pregnant mother, and the mom and 3 kids being found shot in their SUV. Here in Frederick we had a family that was found dead in their home, from homicide and suicide. The mother is missing, and I fear she was killed by the father before he took his life and his children's lives. So sad, to be so desperate and crazy.
Then when I was on vacation in Utah, I heard another story about a father in Frederick County killing his kids and then himself. I was mortified that our local community was again the focus of sad news.
I will continue to pray for those poor families. There are no easy answers when these kinds of things happen.
Then when I was on vacation in Utah, I heard another story about a father in Frederick County killing his kids and then himself. I was mortified that our local community was again the focus of sad news.
I will continue to pray for those poor families. There are no easy answers when these kinds of things happen.
One Word Survey: As Kimmah said "if you read it, you must answer it--either in comments or on your blog. even if you've already done it, dammit. play along, play along. "
1. Where is your cell phone? handbag
2. You're single/taken? taken
3. Your hair? Average
4. Your mother? dead
5. Your father? dead
6. Your favorite thing? Crabcakes!
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? Diet Rite
9. Your dream car? Prelude
10. The room you're in? Living Room
11. Your ex? Nerd
12. Your fear? Cancer
13. Where were you last night? Surfing
14. what you're not? Dieting
15. Muffins? Blueberry.
16. One of your wish list items? Sunroom
17. The last thing you did? Ate
18.What are you wearing? dress.
19. Your pet or pets? Dusty Sneakers
20. Your computer? Acer
21. Your life? decent
22. Your mood? tired
23. Missing some one? DD
24. Your car? Voyager
25. Your work? Goddess.
26.Like someone? Me
27. Your favorite color? blue
28. When is the last time you laughed real hard? 6/14/2007
29. Crush's first name? Dagwood
30. Dream job? Librarian
All answers have been edited down to one word, because I din't follow directions. Sorry, Mom! I'm not tagging anyone, though.
1. Where is your cell phone? handbag
2. You're single/taken? taken
3. Your hair? Average
4. Your mother? dead
5. Your father? dead
6. Your favorite thing? Crabcakes!
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? Diet Rite
9. Your dream car? Prelude
10. The room you're in? Living Room
11. Your ex? Nerd
12. Your fear? Cancer
13. Where were you last night? Surfing
14. what you're not? Dieting
15. Muffins? Blueberry.
16. One of your wish list items? Sunroom
17. The last thing you did? Ate
18.What are you wearing? dress.
19. Your pet or pets? Dusty Sneakers
20. Your computer? Acer
21. Your life? decent
22. Your mood? tired
23. Missing some one? DD
24. Your car? Voyager
25. Your work? Goddess.
26.Like someone? Me
27. Your favorite color? blue
28. When is the last time you laughed real hard? 6/14/2007
29. Crush's first name? Dagwood
30. Dream job? Librarian
All answers have been edited down to one word, because I din't follow directions. Sorry, Mom! I'm not tagging anyone, though.
I Have the House to Myself
DD is away at girl's camp this week. She'll be home tomorrow. DH is, of course, at work, but he will take a day off tomorrow to do some work on the driveway project. I think I should go out and take pictures of before and after. I'm hoping he gets the job done this weekend.
So, what have I done with my time to myself? Mostly I've been waiting since Tuesday for someone to come and put in a new windshield. It's supposed to save me time, huh? DH said it was better than going to a shop, but I disagree. If I took it in to a shop, at least I would have taken a book, and read or had someone drop me off when it was finished.
We put in an order to Windshields to go online last week. I choose Tuesday as the installation date because I thought we could get it over with early in the week. They were supposed to send me an email confirming the order. They said they sent it, but I didn't receive it. I called them. Fortunately, I had a copy of my order.
They said they couldn't send anyone out until Wednesday. Okay, I had spent time waiting for them Tuesday. Then I waited for the call on Wednesday. The person I spoke to was from the 1-800 number that is used nation wide to make the orders. Well, a local person was to have called me between 8 and 9. I waited until 12:30PM before I called them. It turns out they did call someone with an answering machine, although it was not me - they must have called the wrong number. So, I was waiting, thinking I could not take a shower because they might call. Stupid, I guess, since I do have an answering machine, but I could not even remember what time they were supposed to come out. In these kind of situations, you sometimes get surprised like we did when the satellite television guy came out in the morning, instead of the afternoon.
So, I called, and the person at the 800 number told me he'd call me back. The local place called soon after and told me they must have called the wrong number. Bottom line: The windshield they received arrived broken, so they have to reorder it. So, no windshield for me until after noon today. DH will be happy when we finally get it done. We have to pay out of pocket, because we have a $500 deductible. The job costs $236.95.
We've decided to keep the van running for a couple of years. I guess I can survive. At least, the A/C is working.
So, what have I done with my time to myself? Mostly I've been waiting since Tuesday for someone to come and put in a new windshield. It's supposed to save me time, huh? DH said it was better than going to a shop, but I disagree. If I took it in to a shop, at least I would have taken a book, and read or had someone drop me off when it was finished.
We put in an order to Windshields to go online last week. I choose Tuesday as the installation date because I thought we could get it over with early in the week. They were supposed to send me an email confirming the order. They said they sent it, but I didn't receive it. I called them. Fortunately, I had a copy of my order.
They said they couldn't send anyone out until Wednesday. Okay, I had spent time waiting for them Tuesday. Then I waited for the call on Wednesday. The person I spoke to was from the 1-800 number that is used nation wide to make the orders. Well, a local person was to have called me between 8 and 9. I waited until 12:30PM before I called them. It turns out they did call someone with an answering machine, although it was not me - they must have called the wrong number. So, I was waiting, thinking I could not take a shower because they might call. Stupid, I guess, since I do have an answering machine, but I could not even remember what time they were supposed to come out. In these kind of situations, you sometimes get surprised like we did when the satellite television guy came out in the morning, instead of the afternoon.
So, I called, and the person at the 800 number told me he'd call me back. The local place called soon after and told me they must have called the wrong number. Bottom line: The windshield they received arrived broken, so they have to reorder it. So, no windshield for me until after noon today. DH will be happy when we finally get it done. We have to pay out of pocket, because we have a $500 deductible. The job costs $236.95.
We've decided to keep the van running for a couple of years. I guess I can survive. At least, the A/C is working.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I am getting a new sewing machine tomorrow, and I'm kind of excited. It will be the first higher priced machine I've ever owned. I'm hoping for better performance. It is made b Juki, a company that manufactures industrial sewing machines, and I was only able to find one review on it. It comes with a Barbie machine, LOL. I think I will try to sell the new Barbie (retails for $29.99) on Craig's list. I will also try to sell the old Brother machine, because people are always interested in buying them used to save some money.
I also ordered a new Hoover upright. We have a canister that DH thinks is fine, but I disagree. The new upright only costs $59.99, so I'm not spending a fortune. I read good reviews on it, but I only want something I can use easily. If it doesn't work so great, I'll try returning it or save up for a Dyson.
I also ordered a new Hoover upright. We have a canister that DH thinks is fine, but I disagree. The new upright only costs $59.99, so I'm not spending a fortune. I read good reviews on it, but I only want something I can use easily. If it doesn't work so great, I'll try returning it or save up for a Dyson.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
She wanted to be a writer
Most of her writing consisted of excuse notes or forms to sign for school for 4 children, doing the crossword puzzles that consumed her interest for a while, and making out grocery lists that were neatly divided into categories for Dairy, Meats, Dry goods, Frozen, Produce, and Misc. I can still see the writing in those grocery lists, with her distinct handwriting.
She may not have gotten that short story published or written a great American novel, but she was my mother. She lived, hoped, and dreamed of doing something big. Raising 4 children in a middle class family with all the stresses led her down the path of prescription drugs. One drug helped her lose weight and the other helped calm her nerves. She lived in a time when black beauties were readily prescribed as a diet aid.
The diet pills did more damage than good. She never acheived the svelte figure of her dreams. She lost her hair. Her nerves got worse and worse. She lashed out while trying to stop taking the pills. She lamented her marriage wasn't as good as she wanted it to be, all the while snapping pictures of the kids to help document the "happy family". She coped the only way she knew.
She belonged to a church that was kind of a legacy. Her parents raised her in that church, and she was going to stay, even if she didn't fully believe in it. Her attempts to fit in at church and in othe social situations often fell flat. She was inclined to fabricate or exaggerate stories to help her self esteem. She never drove the family car, something that I cannot imagine not doing myself.
She eventually fell heir to the family disease - diabetes, losing a leg and becoming bed ridden. Television became her closest companion and best friend. She died on May 6th, 2007 alone in her bed in a nursing home. She spent her last year there, because she had become unmanageable in her own home.
She may not have been a great writer, but she will not be forgotten. I can only hope she is happily resting in peace with my father and my late brother. I love you, Mom.
She may not have gotten that short story published or written a great American novel, but she was my mother. She lived, hoped, and dreamed of doing something big. Raising 4 children in a middle class family with all the stresses led her down the path of prescription drugs. One drug helped her lose weight and the other helped calm her nerves. She lived in a time when black beauties were readily prescribed as a diet aid.
The diet pills did more damage than good. She never acheived the svelte figure of her dreams. She lost her hair. Her nerves got worse and worse. She lashed out while trying to stop taking the pills. She lamented her marriage wasn't as good as she wanted it to be, all the while snapping pictures of the kids to help document the "happy family". She coped the only way she knew.
She belonged to a church that was kind of a legacy. Her parents raised her in that church, and she was going to stay, even if she didn't fully believe in it. Her attempts to fit in at church and in othe social situations often fell flat. She was inclined to fabricate or exaggerate stories to help her self esteem. She never drove the family car, something that I cannot imagine not doing myself.
She eventually fell heir to the family disease - diabetes, losing a leg and becoming bed ridden. Television became her closest companion and best friend. She died on May 6th, 2007 alone in her bed in a nursing home. She spent her last year there, because she had become unmanageable in her own home.
She may not have been a great writer, but she will not be forgotten. I can only hope she is happily resting in peace with my father and my late brother. I love you, Mom.
Monday, March 26, 2007
I love crabcakes
Anyone who knows me knows that I love crabcakes, so it was a nice birthday surprise to discover a place just a few miles up the road from me that not only have great crabcakes, but also good cream of crab soup. I have driven past this restaurant many times, on the way to the Middletown library, and never realized there was a nice place there.
Well, I drug DD there for the first taste testing on my birthday, the 22nd. She ordered the grilled chicken sandwich with sides of mashed potato and zucchini, followed by fresh homemade peanut butter pie, one of her absolute favorites. I ordered the jumbo lumb crabmeat bisque, which I have previously called "cream of crab". I followed that with a jumbo lump crabcake, with sides of cucumber salad and rotini pasta salad. It was all good.
The next day a friend invited me to lunch, and we wound up back at the same restaurant. She spent part of her childhood in Frederick, but had never noticed this place, either. We both ordered the crab saute with tricolor peppers, and the small garden greens salad. The salad included a pretty fuschia colored edible flower. I think it was an orchid. I ate mine, but my friend did not.
I then threw the diet out of the window and ordered the cheesecake. She could not enjoy it, because it probably had wheat in the crust, and she's got celiac disease. It was excellent.
On Saturday, we spent a rather long morning at the DC Temple, and then headed over to the Hong Kong restaurant on Connecticut. The food is good there, but we think we prefer the Dynasty in Wheaton, if it's still there. All in all, it was a good deal, though, because the meal included lots of nice sized shrimp.
Well, back to the grind, and then we go on vacation.
Well, I drug DD there for the first taste testing on my birthday, the 22nd. She ordered the grilled chicken sandwich with sides of mashed potato and zucchini, followed by fresh homemade peanut butter pie, one of her absolute favorites. I ordered the jumbo lumb crabmeat bisque, which I have previously called "cream of crab". I followed that with a jumbo lump crabcake, with sides of cucumber salad and rotini pasta salad. It was all good.
The next day a friend invited me to lunch, and we wound up back at the same restaurant. She spent part of her childhood in Frederick, but had never noticed this place, either. We both ordered the crab saute with tricolor peppers, and the small garden greens salad. The salad included a pretty fuschia colored edible flower. I think it was an orchid. I ate mine, but my friend did not.
I then threw the diet out of the window and ordered the cheesecake. She could not enjoy it, because it probably had wheat in the crust, and she's got celiac disease. It was excellent.
On Saturday, we spent a rather long morning at the DC Temple, and then headed over to the Hong Kong restaurant on Connecticut. The food is good there, but we think we prefer the Dynasty in Wheaton, if it's still there. All in all, it was a good deal, though, because the meal included lots of nice sized shrimp.
Well, back to the grind, and then we go on vacation.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Spoiled DH
I ordered some hair products and some clothes this week, because I really need to update my closet and my hair needs something new. I have not been to a salon for a professional haircut in 7 years, and that was the only visit I have made since 1994. I have been doing my hair myself. I usually get compliments, so I know I've been doing something right.
A few months ago, I let someone else who said they had salon training cut DD's hair. I was having a time with it, but I had cut it and thinned it out. I didn't think it looked bad, as far as the cut was concerned, but this woman had me convinced she could make DD's hair look better. Well, I don't like what she did, and we are letting it grow out. DD has thick wavy, curly hair that tends to frizz quite a bit. After that episode with the not so great haircut, we've decided to use a combination of hair gel and safflower oil. I buy the oil at the grocery store. It seems to tame her locks well enough, but I wanted to experiment, thus I purchased some new shampoos, conditioners, and styling products for the both of us.
I felt the need to try new things myself, so I bought some Bedhead Creative Genius, and some Nexxus Botanoil Shampoo that was recommended by some online friends. I used them the last time I shampooed, conditioned with Dove conditioner, and styled with the Bedhead CG. I like the way my hair looks, but the Bedhead product is kind of stiff. Maybe I will use less of it the next time, or I will try one of the other product lines I purchased. I spent $40,and got enough hair stuff to last us about 6 months, provided that we like it. If we don't like it, we will let DH use it, because he has very short hair, and all he wants is shampoo and conditioner.
Anyway, all these purchases come out of my monthly budget, and I can handle it. My budget is a set amount, and I very seldom go over the limit. He looked at me and said, "Happy Birthday!" I said, "Happy Birthday? This is coming out of my budget."
Well, he just better not complain. I'd go to the beauty salon and charge it up big time if I really wanted to give myself a treat, but I don't know of a good stylist that I would really trust. That last haircut in 2000 was not all that great. I could easily do it at home, that's why I haven't been back. I don't want to be like a friend who just trusts the people at the Hair Cuttery with her hair.
A few months ago, I let someone else who said they had salon training cut DD's hair. I was having a time with it, but I had cut it and thinned it out. I didn't think it looked bad, as far as the cut was concerned, but this woman had me convinced she could make DD's hair look better. Well, I don't like what she did, and we are letting it grow out. DD has thick wavy, curly hair that tends to frizz quite a bit. After that episode with the not so great haircut, we've decided to use a combination of hair gel and safflower oil. I buy the oil at the grocery store. It seems to tame her locks well enough, but I wanted to experiment, thus I purchased some new shampoos, conditioners, and styling products for the both of us.
I felt the need to try new things myself, so I bought some Bedhead Creative Genius, and some Nexxus Botanoil Shampoo that was recommended by some online friends. I used them the last time I shampooed, conditioned with Dove conditioner, and styled with the Bedhead CG. I like the way my hair looks, but the Bedhead product is kind of stiff. Maybe I will use less of it the next time, or I will try one of the other product lines I purchased. I spent $40,and got enough hair stuff to last us about 6 months, provided that we like it. If we don't like it, we will let DH use it, because he has very short hair, and all he wants is shampoo and conditioner.
Anyway, all these purchases come out of my monthly budget, and I can handle it. My budget is a set amount, and I very seldom go over the limit. He looked at me and said, "Happy Birthday!" I said, "Happy Birthday? This is coming out of my budget."
Well, he just better not complain. I'd go to the beauty salon and charge it up big time if I really wanted to give myself a treat, but I don't know of a good stylist that I would really trust. That last haircut in 2000 was not all that great. I could easily do it at home, that's why I haven't been back. I don't want to be like a friend who just trusts the people at the Hair Cuttery with her hair.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Online Surveys
Most of them involve signing up for trial memberships, and then you have to cancel before a due date, or you will be charged. I'm thinking, no thanks, I don't need the measly amount of money they pay.
I used to belong to Pinecone Research and they paid $5 per survey, which was good, but I stopped doing their surveys regularly because I was missing a sound card, and that kept me from completing their surveys. It's a shame, because now I want to participate, but they are only taking people who respond to their banner ads, and those only show up every few months on certain websites. Oh, well.
I received all of the stuff I ordered this week, which includes 6 dresses, 4 tunic tops, denim capris, and a pant set. It all fits well, and I'm all set for the trip to Utah in April. I just need to figure out which dress I'm taking for church, and what kind of jacket to wear with it, also what shoes. It will still be cool out, especially in Utah in early April, so I have to be prepared.
I can't wait to eat out every night. Right now, I am cooking almost every night. Next Saturday, we take DD out for her birthday dinner. Tomorrow is actually her birthday, but we are celebrating next week at Chef Lin's buffet, which is not my favorite place, but the kids all like it.
On the 24th, we will attend the DC Temple, and DH will take me to the Hong Kong restaurant on Connecticut Ave in Kensington, which is really good. I love their food, so that's something to look forward to. I turn 55 on the 22nd. Yikes, I'm old!
I used to belong to Pinecone Research and they paid $5 per survey, which was good, but I stopped doing their surveys regularly because I was missing a sound card, and that kept me from completing their surveys. It's a shame, because now I want to participate, but they are only taking people who respond to their banner ads, and those only show up every few months on certain websites. Oh, well.
I received all of the stuff I ordered this week, which includes 6 dresses, 4 tunic tops, denim capris, and a pant set. It all fits well, and I'm all set for the trip to Utah in April. I just need to figure out which dress I'm taking for church, and what kind of jacket to wear with it, also what shoes. It will still be cool out, especially in Utah in early April, so I have to be prepared.
I can't wait to eat out every night. Right now, I am cooking almost every night. Next Saturday, we take DD out for her birthday dinner. Tomorrow is actually her birthday, but we are celebrating next week at Chef Lin's buffet, which is not my favorite place, but the kids all like it.
On the 24th, we will attend the DC Temple, and DH will take me to the Hong Kong restaurant on Connecticut Ave in Kensington, which is really good. I love their food, so that's something to look forward to. I turn 55 on the 22nd. Yikes, I'm old!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
In the Light of Day
Okay, in the light of day, my kitchen looks so dirty. I have to change the curtains, wash the windows, clean the counter tops, wipe down the appliances, and wash the floor. Then I have the dining room to clean up, too. Maybe I'll tackle the kitchen first, then do the dining room tomorrow.
We didn't go to Seminary this morning, because we both weren't feeling so well. I thought schools would open later, because it was so cold out, only 2 degrees here. Oh, well, they opened the regular time.
I've been ordering lots of stuff online. I ordered clothing from Lane Bryant and Roamans, and hair stuff from The Salon site has 99 cent full sized products from Alagio, a product line I've never heard of before, but I did find one online review that praised one of their products. I can't wait to get the orders in the mail. I also ordered a small handbag from Walmart for 6 dollars with 97 cent shipping.
We didn't go to Seminary this morning, because we both weren't feeling so well. I thought schools would open later, because it was so cold out, only 2 degrees here. Oh, well, they opened the regular time.
I've been ordering lots of stuff online. I ordered clothing from Lane Bryant and Roamans, and hair stuff from The Salon site has 99 cent full sized products from Alagio, a product line I've never heard of before, but I did find one online review that praised one of their products. I can't wait to get the orders in the mail. I also ordered a small handbag from Walmart for 6 dollars with 97 cent shipping.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Dog of My Dreams
Well, I have to refer back to an older post about 2 dreams I had in the same week about a tan German Shepherd.
I was driving down a street in our neighborhood, on my way to pick up DD from a friend's house, when I saw a woman walking 2 dogs, one a beagle, and the other was the dog I had seen in my dreams last August! I was so surprised, but drove on. Now I'm wondering how to find this woman and ask about the dog. I can't imagine walking up to her and telling her I've dreamt about the dog. She would probably think I was plum crazy. I'm so curious, though. I wonder about the dog, and why I dreamt about it. I don't know what to do next. I'm thinking of taking a walk around the neighborhood every morning at around the same time I saw the woman - 8:30 am or so. I guess I could go knocking at doors asking about the dog, but that might make me look like a weirdo, too. I just don't know what to do.
Anyway, thanks to Mom2bjm and Lasann for wishing me well on the diet. I have lost 5 pounds, but, unfortunately, fell off of the diet this weekend. I have to get back on the horse tomorrow. I wish I could say I'm feeling so much better, but the truth is, I'm not. I still have some supplements on backorder from the Vitamin Shoppe, so maybe I really need all of those supplements to feel better.
I still have to make dr's appointments for a sleep study, cardiologist, and the eye doctor. I was not able to go for a while because I had that nasty cold/flu that's going around. Lots of people I know have gotten it, and it seems to hold on for a while, with some relapses.
I was driving down a street in our neighborhood, on my way to pick up DD from a friend's house, when I saw a woman walking 2 dogs, one a beagle, and the other was the dog I had seen in my dreams last August! I was so surprised, but drove on. Now I'm wondering how to find this woman and ask about the dog. I can't imagine walking up to her and telling her I've dreamt about the dog. She would probably think I was plum crazy. I'm so curious, though. I wonder about the dog, and why I dreamt about it. I don't know what to do next. I'm thinking of taking a walk around the neighborhood every morning at around the same time I saw the woman - 8:30 am or so. I guess I could go knocking at doors asking about the dog, but that might make me look like a weirdo, too. I just don't know what to do.
Anyway, thanks to Mom2bjm and Lasann for wishing me well on the diet. I have lost 5 pounds, but, unfortunately, fell off of the diet this weekend. I have to get back on the horse tomorrow. I wish I could say I'm feeling so much better, but the truth is, I'm not. I still have some supplements on backorder from the Vitamin Shoppe, so maybe I really need all of those supplements to feel better.
I still have to make dr's appointments for a sleep study, cardiologist, and the eye doctor. I was not able to go for a while because I had that nasty cold/flu that's going around. Lots of people I know have gotten it, and it seems to hold on for a while, with some relapses.
Friday, January 12, 2007
The Diet is Awn!
I just started the Perricone weight loss diet today. It's a very strict diet, and I can't say we can afford all that organic food, but I will do as much as I can afford. Some organic foods are coming down in price, and I don't mind paying more for eggs, for example, or yogurt, which isn't that much more anyway.
I haven't eaten any salmon yet, but I have some wild Alaskan salmon fillets and some canned salmon that would fit the bill. I am not usually a salmon eater, but I guess I could learn to like it.
I found some shelled, plain brazil nuts, and I'm quite fond of them. I also bought some walnuts, which were tasty on top of my cottage cheese with apple.
I hope to feel better and look better. The feel better part is the primary motivation for this change. I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds before we go out to Utah. I still have some more reading, planning, and purchasing to do, but it's looks like I'll be doing this for the long run because I want to get off of these medications I take for various things, most of them related to weight. Hopefully, this will work, but I will have to start keeping better track of my blood sugar and blood pressure. It would be nice to have normal stats the next time I see the doctor.
I haven't eaten any salmon yet, but I have some wild Alaskan salmon fillets and some canned salmon that would fit the bill. I am not usually a salmon eater, but I guess I could learn to like it.
I found some shelled, plain brazil nuts, and I'm quite fond of them. I also bought some walnuts, which were tasty on top of my cottage cheese with apple.
I hope to feel better and look better. The feel better part is the primary motivation for this change. I'm hoping to lose 50 pounds before we go out to Utah. I still have some more reading, planning, and purchasing to do, but it's looks like I'll be doing this for the long run because I want to get off of these medications I take for various things, most of them related to weight. Hopefully, this will work, but I will have to start keeping better track of my blood sugar and blood pressure. It would be nice to have normal stats the next time I see the doctor.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Feeling Better
I just can't wait until everyone is back to normal. DH has been sick for about 3 weeks. His workplace has some new rules about taking sick time, and if he takes more than 3 days off in a row, they need him to have a doctor's note saying it's okay for him to come back to work. I just hope they don't reduce his pay for the few extra days he took off, because he was on Christmas vacation when he got sick.
I finally got some antibiotics from Immediate Care, and they have helped my ear infection and my throat doesn't hurt anymore. It's now a battle with the coughing when you just want to sleep. They gave me a prescription for the coughing, and Flonaze for congestion, too.
Monday morning, the phone just kept ringing, and that is when I really felt the worst of it. I still had to wake up early to take DD to her 6 AM class, and my throat and ear were really painful. When we came home again, I just wanted to get to sleep, but one of the church mothers called (DH answered, I was going to let the answering machine take care of it) because her 17 year old son said the school bus just drove past him. I think he missed it, but she wanted me to go over to her house, and drive him to his school. That would have taken about 45 minutes in total trip time, and I was not feeling well, so I told her "no". I guess that's going to be one of my new resolutions, anyway, to just say "no".
I assume she found someone else who could do it. Anyway, DH took some of our Christmas stuff down last night. I did manage to get the laundry done, and put dinner on the table, so I guess I'm doing okay.
I finally got some antibiotics from Immediate Care, and they have helped my ear infection and my throat doesn't hurt anymore. It's now a battle with the coughing when you just want to sleep. They gave me a prescription for the coughing, and Flonaze for congestion, too.
Monday morning, the phone just kept ringing, and that is when I really felt the worst of it. I still had to wake up early to take DD to her 6 AM class, and my throat and ear were really painful. When we came home again, I just wanted to get to sleep, but one of the church mothers called (DH answered, I was going to let the answering machine take care of it) because her 17 year old son said the school bus just drove past him. I think he missed it, but she wanted me to go over to her house, and drive him to his school. That would have taken about 45 minutes in total trip time, and I was not feeling well, so I told her "no". I guess that's going to be one of my new resolutions, anyway, to just say "no".
I assume she found someone else who could do it. Anyway, DH took some of our Christmas stuff down last night. I did manage to get the laundry done, and put dinner on the table, so I guess I'm doing okay.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Is there a doctor in the house?
Well, we have all been ill, and I got worse this week. We did each receive a priesthood blessing to help us recover on Wednesday night. DH has been the sickest of us all. I hope I don't get as sick as he is. I do think I am recovering, but I felt my worst this morning. Now I'm trying to be think more positive thoughts about getting better.
DD is spending the night over at her friend's house, and she was quite happy to go. Being an only child is not easy for her. She really wants to be around people more, but sometimes she won't take me up on my offers to take her somewhere.
Trying to get ahold of the doctor's office is ridiculous. They have one of those answering systems that makes you wait about 10 minutes or so before you can talk to a real person. I decided not to go in for an antibiotic, but if I do get worse, I will go.
I hope you all have had a Happy New Year, and that 2007 is very good to you.
We did have a couple of people over for dinner New Year's Eve, even though DH was quite ill. He ate with us, but went back to bed when we started playing games.
DD is spending the night over at her friend's house, and she was quite happy to go. Being an only child is not easy for her. She really wants to be around people more, but sometimes she won't take me up on my offers to take her somewhere.
Trying to get ahold of the doctor's office is ridiculous. They have one of those answering systems that makes you wait about 10 minutes or so before you can talk to a real person. I decided not to go in for an antibiotic, but if I do get worse, I will go.
I hope you all have had a Happy New Year, and that 2007 is very good to you.
We did have a couple of people over for dinner New Year's Eve, even though DH was quite ill. He ate with us, but went back to bed when we started playing games.
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